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Curtains Cancelled


In the normal run of things, we would have been ready to commence rehearsals on Monday 7th September – just over a week away. We keep waiting for each new announcement, with fingers crossed that we might be able to get back to as normal as is possible. Sadly, this is not the case.

In the midst of this unprecedented pandemic and following on from all the COVID advice being received from the government in relation to the operation of amateur theatre groups, with the difficulties of carrying out safe rehearsals, the secure staging of a full-blown musical on the Concordia stage with an audience limited by the social distancing requirements (which will most probably lead to a substantial financial loss) it is with deep regret that we have to announce that The Guild is not in a position to stage a February 2021 production. The Committee have agonised over this decision but reality has to be faced.

The Theatre is working hard to provide a COVID-safe building and is gradually opening up areas of the complex. Indeed, the bar can be booked for small groups on Friday evenings – hopefully adding Saturday evenings shortly. Strict regulations are in place and pre-booking is essential. We can arrange a social evening if members wish or you can arrange your own small groups.

This really is one of the most difficult notes that we have had to put together and we do hope that you understand the position. We will keep in touch via our Community Guild Facebook Pages and our website . Please do not hesitate to make contact. All of your thoughts and ideas would be greatly appreciated.

We have informed the theatre of this decision, stressing that we will be back on Monday 6th September 2021 to commence rehearsals for our February 2022 production! I know that this seems an age away and the need to stay in contact is more than ever important. Please continue to support the theatre in whatever way you can. We will all be back doing what we all love as soon as we are able.

Judy Peatfield – Chairman Hinckley Community Guild

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1 Comment

Aug 29, 2020

Thanks for letting us know, Judy. It must have been a painful decision, but - disappointing as it will be for everyone - we know its in all our best interests. Even if a proper production remains out of the question, when eventually some form of rehearsal-type gathering is feasible, we can perhaps find a way to get together & do something to keep the Guild singing! I'd certainly be happy to help, as I'm sure would others. Keep safe all, keep fit, and keep singing & smiling! Colin


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